Island 92 is the home of ROCK, BLUES and GOOD TIME MUSIC!!!
7AM – 11AM:
Fresh Air In The Morning
With Dr. Soc
11AM – 3PM:
The Mid Day Show Live
With Mr. S
3PM – 7PM:
The Happy Hours with The Judge
7PM – 8 PM:
Nothing But Old 45s
7PM – 8PM:
Cerphe’s Progressive Show
8AM – 9AM:
Cerphe’s Progressive Show
9AM – 11AM:
Underground Garage
7PM – 10PM:
LA Lloyd Rock Countdown
9AM – 11AM:
Acoustic Cafe
11AM – 12 PM:
Nothing But Old 45s
Island 92 - Station Info

DR. SOC – Weekdays – Fresh Air in the Morning – 7 AM – 12PM.
Dr. Soc, originally from Milford and Seymour, Connecticut USA, joined the Island 92 team in December 2007 as host of The Hoochie Coo with Soc, which aired daily from 2007 – 2010. He now hosts Island 92’s flagship morning program, Fresh Air in the Morning, which airs Monday through Friday from 7 AM – 11 AM. Soc loves St. Maarten so much that he left his job in Corporate America to pursue the Caribbean dream – and now he is Island 92’s morning show host. Join him each week day morning for a fresh cup of coffee, the best music on the island, and also the news, sports and a few surprises. According to Dr. Soc, “I first came to St. Maarten in 1982 as a teenaged tourist with big hair. It only took a couple days rolling around the beaches and meeting all the beautiful girls and I was hooked and have been coming back ever since”.
During his free time, Soc can be found beaching, sailing, chasing beautiful women and spending time with his Vizsla, Morgan, his Golden Retriever, A.M., his Golden Coconut Retriever, Simona and Midnight, the coolest cat on the island. Some of you may also know him as Jeff Sochrin and from the charitable foundation he leads, Team Goldendog. Email him at

MR. S – Weekdays – The Mid Day Show Live – 11AM – 3PM
Having made his first sojourn to the friendly island of St. Maarten in early February of 1979 at the ripe old age of 11, Mr. S formed an instant bond with the island that would last a lifetime. One night during the visit, Mr. S stealthily snuck past the door of the Mullet Bay Casino and wound his way toward the crap table in order to catch a glimpse of a young and spirited Mr. Billy Joel, who was rolling to the crowd’s delight. Throughout the years that would follow, Mr. S visited the island again and again to race in the Heineken Regatta and eventually making St. Maarten his second home. In addition to being an “on air personality” on Island 92, Mr. S is an accomplished and published writer and public relations impresario, having represented some of the world’s largest companies and agencies in New York. Mr. S hosts the Mid Day Show Live each weekday.
Email Mr. S:

THE JUDGE – Monday – Thursday from 3 PM – 7 PM
The Judge grew up in a small town in northern Illinois called Harvard that people frequently confuse with Cambridge, Massachusetts, home of the famous Harvard University, which they wrongly believe is named after its location. The Judge actually did attend Harvard Junior High but likes to answer people when they ask, Sure, I went to Harvard,and lets them believe what they will. The Judge is not a real judge, although he did, in another life, believe he would be a lawyer and really did pass the Bar. Now-a-days the only bars he passes are at the Dinghy Dock or Buccaneer or wherever has the best special that day.
The Judge considers himself extremely fortunate to have lived all over the world and even more fortunate to have finally landed in beautiful SXM. He first came to the Friendly Island with his girlfriend in 2015 and did not know what to expect. Fast-forward to 2023 and The Judge has put down roots. He survived the hurricane here. And the pandemic. That same girlfriend is now his wife. The couple just welcomed their first child, born right here on-island. Their son marks the first human addition to a family that already included three dogs and two cats.
The Judge has for the last several years taught music at the Pianissimo School of Music in Marigot. He specializes in guitar but also takes students for bass, ukulele, piano and drums. He always wants more money so contact him on Facebook, Instagram or here at the station to book your private lessons. The Judge is the most recent addition to the Island 92 on-air team, joining as a guest host in the afternoon slot because no one ever really knows where Erb is or what he is doing. He got the job by relentlessly pestering Dr. Soc and cannot believe that it actually worked. He is grateful to Dr. Soc Mr; S and Erb for showing him the ropes and welcoming him so graciously. Come spend your rush hour hanging out with him for some great tunes and good laughs.
When he is not playing music, or teaching music, listening to music or talking about music on the radio, the Judge enjoys gardening, hanging out with his family and experimenting with different beard shapes.
Email The Judge:

From the time ERB could hold a microphone he has been talking into it. He started his radio career at a top 40 station in Chambersburg, PA doing Saturday overnights and quickly move on to weekend day shifts at a competing station in Hagerstown, Maryland all while still in High School.
Today he has returned to the airwaves of Island 92 after a little less then a 3 year hiatus. Where has he been? Working as a freelance technician in TV for productions and Spidercam. He enjoys to travel, which works well for that job but loves to rock even more on Island92!
Catch him weekdays 4-7pm Atlantic Time rocking the Happy Hours! Email him at

Emil Lee
The most recent addition to the Island 92 team, Emil Lee brings a vast local experience and perspective to the station. Mr. Lee serves as the Managing Editor of Caribe Broadcasting Network News. Besides managing a hotel and construction company in St Maarten, he has also served in many functions such as President of the SHTA (Sint Maarten Hospitality and Trade Association) President of CHTA (Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association) and most recently as Minister of VSA ( Health, Labor and Social Development) for Sint Maarten.

Rob Reinhart – Acoustic Cafe – Sundays 9 am – 11 am
Acoustic Café is hosted each week by Rob Reinhart on Island 92 on Sunday mornings from 9 am – 11 am. Rob started his professional broadcasting career while still in college, pursuing his degree in Psychology. Feeling the future of the human psyche to be limited, he threw himself into the infinitely expanding universe of radio and vinyl discs containing music. This was the early-mid 80s.
Over the last 20 years, Reinhart has also owned a small ad agency and radio production company, written and produced syndicated comedy for radio, voiced thousands of radio and TV commercials, consulted movie, television and internet media projects, created and hosted both Acoustic Café and The No Depression Alt-Country Radio Hour (produced with No Depression Magazine), and even been the voice of Radio Bonnaroo!
He lives with his wife of long standing, two very interesting children and one slightly defective golden retriever named Fibber. Although radio’s universe has not continued its planned infinite expansion, Reinhart still believes in its unique power. “Good radio is now one of the only media that isn’t designed to simply reflect the taste of the user. It’s still a community that brings together lots of different people. Neat, huh?”
Rob also hosts “Rob Reinhart’s Essential Music,” a weekly program on WDET in Detroit.

As early as he can remember, LA Lloyd has always had a love for music. He was raised on pop, rock and even outlaw country. Since he was not a musician, Lloyd found another means to surround himself with music on a daily basis: RADIO. July 4, 2000 was the first official nationally syndicated LA Lloyd’s Rock 30 countdown with Kid Rock co-hosting.
The LA Lloyd Rock Countdown is heard on nearly 40 stations across the US, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and many Internet-only radio stations.
Lloyd added, “To say the Rock Countdown is a dream come true is an understatement. If someone had told me when I was a kid that I would be interviewing the BIGGEST rock bands in the world, I would have just simply laughed.” Metallica, Disturbed, Godsmack, Nickelback, Foo Fighters Shinedown and hundreds of bands are all laughing with LA Lloyd each and every week when they co-host the show.
Lloyd is married to Kathi and they have two daughters, Taylor and Ava.
The official website for the LA Lloyd Rock Countdown is

Nothing But Old 45s